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IKEA U.S. Newsroom

Welcome to the IKEA U.S. Newsroom, here you'll find our latest news and related press material.

Latest news of IKEA U.S.

IKEA U.S. news and media assets
Phone: 1-866-329-4532<br>Follow us: @ikeaUSANews</p>\n<p>If you are not a member of the Press and need customer service assistance, please&nbsp;<a href="">Contact Us</a>.</p>\n","quote":"","cite":"","jobtitle":"","textAreaType":"text","textAreaLink":{"id":"1b9d69e4-704b-11eb-9439-0242ac130002","type":"section","url":""},"textAreaButtonLabel":"See all press contacts","textAreaButtonIsPrimary":true,"imagelink":{"id":null,"type":"page","url":""},"backgroundColor":"#f5f5f5","layout":"text-landscape","type":"banner","isGlobal":false},"settings":{"siteFolder":"us/en","productFragmentsEsiUrl":"","siteBaseUrl":"","locale":"en-US","textDirection":"ltr"},"pageType":"landingPage"}">

Contact the media relations team in IKEA U.S.

For any media inquiries, please reach out to us. If you are looking for IKEA Group images to use for non-commercial reasons in newspapers and magazines, please contact our press contact listed below.

Phone: 1-866-329-4532
Follow us: @ikeaUSANews

If you are not a member of the Press and need customer service assistance, please Contact Us.